AN ENDOMORPH is a person with a naturally low metabolic rate is of a medium to large frame and is more prone to putting on fat weight (if you claim to just smell food and put on weight you are an endomorph) and therefore they need to watch their diets and exercise regularly to stay in shape.
AN ECTOMORPH is a small framed person with a naturally high metabolic rate in short these are the people everyone wishes would choke on their pastries as it just doesn't show on them! But ectos being hard gainers, cannot gain muscle definition easily so you see no one has it all!
A MESOMORPH is naturally very strong, of medium to large frame, has well defined musculature and though they too require regular exercise to keep in shape (who doesn't?!) they usually respond to exercise faster, than endomorphs.
The Three Basic Body Types
ECTOMORPH:Thin, Flat chest, Delicate build, Young appearance, Tall, Stoop-shouldered, Has trouble gaining muscle mass
Hard, muscular body, Overly mature appearance, Thick skin, Upright posture, Gains or loses weight easily, Grows muscle quickly
Soft body, Underdeveloped muscles, Round shaped, Over-developed digestive system, Trouble losing weight, Generally gains muscle easily
A person maybe a combination of body types, so to make things easier they can be further classified into 4 more categories:
Combination Body Types

Recommended Exercise
Cardiovascular exercises: Low impact aerobics, cycling at low to moderate tension and higher speed, brisk walking or the treadmill at maximum 3-4 incline but higher speed is recommended depending on your fitness level. Strength Training: Stick to moderate to high repetitions* (12-15 reps*) and on and off even use rep combinations as high as 25 reps and low to moderate weights (concept will vary with time as you get fitter). A combination of both compound and isolation movements will prove effective. How much weight you lift is also dependant on how you want to look ultimately. This kind of a workout will help you get fitter, stronger and leaner.RULER

Recommended Exercise
Cardiovascular exercise: Biking with high tension, walking on an incline treadmill or uphill, running, jogging, steppers or stair climbers with moderate resistance will all help in burning fat effectively.
Strength training: Higher repetitions* (20+ reps*), with moderate to heavy weights. Choose more basic and compound movements over isolation (chose isolation only as finishing exercise).CONE

Recommended Exercise
Cardiovascular exercise: Cycling at moderate to high tension and brisk walking or treadmill at moderate incline (3-5) and high speed, avoid jogging at high tension.Strength training: Concentrate on lightweights and higher repetitions on the upper body and moderate to heavy weight and moderate repetitions (12-15) on the lower body. Choose compound movements for both upper and lower body as well as isolation.

Recommended Exercise
Cardiovascular exercise: Cycle at higher speed and lesser tension, brisk walking or walking at high speed on treadmill without incline. Avoid steppers/stair climbers, high impact aerobics as they will further add bulk to lower body.Strength training: Doing compound movements with moderate to heavy weights for the upper body, and both compound movements and isolation with high repetitions for the lower body is recommended.
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