Tuesday, November 30, 2010
Nike "Make Yourself" Commercial
Motivating commercial for the ladies and some good eye candy for the fellas!! Check it out by clicking here ---->>> Nike "Make Yourself" Video

Crossfit WOD "Thompson"
Crossfit posts a new workout everyday (WOD = Workout of Day) that we will post on our blog for everyone. This is called the "Thompson"
10 rounds for time of:
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
95 pound Back squat, 29 reps
135 pound barbells Farmer carry, 10 meters
*Begin the rope climbs seated on the floor*
10 rounds for time of:
15 ft Rope Climb, 1 ascent
95 pound Back squat, 29 reps
135 pound barbells Farmer carry, 10 meters
*Begin the rope climbs seated on the floor*
Monday, November 29, 2010
Superman Chest Workout
Time to get pecs of steel! Here is a full chest workout that would even make Superman sore. Weights will be different for each person depending on strength levels. This is geared more towards someone who is looking to build lean muscle mass. Starting with super-set power exercises with low reps then finishing with higher reps to really bring out the muscle striations. The cables flies finish you off by getting a even solid pump, hitting all the corners and broadening your chest.
*Below circuits are done as a Tri-super set (completing all exercises back to back with no rest)*
Flat Bench Press Reps = 8-12 (finish with 70% failure on last rep)
INCLINE Dumbbell Fly Reps = 10-12
Push-Ups with feet on 24" box or bench Reps = Burnout
Rest 2 Mins...
Flat Bench Press Reps = 8-10 (finish with 80% failure on last rep)
MID Incline Dumbbell Fly Reps = 10-12
Push-Ups Reps = Burnout
Rest 2 Mins...
Flat Bench Press Reps = 6-8 (finish with 90% failure on last rep)
FLAT Dumbbell Fly Reps = 10-12
Push-Ups with hands on 24" box or bench Reps = Burnout
Rest 2 Mins...
Incline Cable Fly (while in lunge position) Reps = 15-20
Body Weight Dips Reps = Burnout
Rest 2 Mins...
Flat Cable Fly (while in lunge position) Reps = 15-20
Body Weight Dips Reps = Burnout
Rest 2 Mins...
Decline Cable Fly (while in lunge position) Reps = 15-20
Body Weight Dips Reps = Burnout
And this is what you should look like when your done with the workout... LOL
Post questions in the comment section below!!
Saturday, November 27, 2010
Say NO! to body fat
Use strategies that slow down the rate at which sugar is absorbed into your bloodstream so your body doesn't store as much fat. Utilizing these strategies will result in staying lean and preventing your body fat percentage from increasing.
Try them out and let us know the results, Thanks!
Fruit and Veggies

Chromium Picolinate
In a recent study, Swiss scientists gave a test group a single 400 microgram (mcg.) dose of Chromium Picolinate before they consumed a high-carbohydrate meal. Subsequently, the group’s blood-glucose levels were 23% lower than when they ate the same meal without the supplement. Try it yourself, but make sure the mineral name includes ‘Picolinate’; the compound is the form of Chromium that your body can most readily use. Don't double your dose though, thinking you’ll get better results, you won't burn fat faster by taking more. Researchers found that 800 mcg. was no more effective than 400mcg.
Hydroxycitric acid
Filling Sandwich
Turkey, a good source of natural CLA, is a tasty filling for this simple sandwich. CLA is conjugated linoleic acid, which helps reduce body fat in people who are overweight. It doesn't help a big fat cell get little, but instead helps keep a little fat cell from getting big. Top it with a little onion. Onions contain an antioxidant called quercetin, which may keep your body from storing fat. Serve with a toasted whole-grain bun to add more fiber.
Exercise Early
To ensure that you have plenty of energy for your next workout, your body immediately moves any available glucose to your muscles, where it's packed away for future use, which helps reduce blood-glucose levels. So until glycogen levels are replenished, which can take several hours, high-sugar foods aren't as detrimental to eat. Because aerobic exercise requires glycogen too, you can also expect to burn fat faster from a cardiovascular workout.
Drink plenty of water

Water helps supercharge cells, flush out harmful toxins, and increase your metabolism. consuming a lot of water makes it hard for the fat to "stick" to your body.
PLEASE Comment if you have any questions!
Friday, November 26, 2010
Sugar Isn't Just Sweet
The majority of us don’t know exactly how many calories we eat in one day. Before you eat a muffin it will assist your fitness goals to know what you are consuming so it doesn’t lead to a “MuffinTop.” One blueberry muffin can have 380 calories, 19g of fat, and 28g of SUGAR!!
There is a lot of media coverage about the dangers of saturated fat (and for good reason), but there is not enough coverage on the dangers of sugar. Limit both sugar intake and saturated fat in your diet, and you will see astonishing changes in your body. You will not believe the difference.I PROMISE!!!
Of course, you may not be ready to give up subs, fries, and spaghetti just yet, but you can use strategies that slow down the rate at which sugar is absorbed into your bloodstream(so your body doesn't store as much fat). You'll diminish the impact any food has on your glucose levels and your body's ability to burn fat faster...
Come back tomorrow to view multiple strategies that will decrease the rate sugar and or refined carbs are converted into body fat!
Burn Fat Faster – Eliminating the Negative Effects of Sugar
Sugar is considered a health food, according to it's publicist. It contains zero fat, is low in calories in small amounts, and provides instant energy. These attributes are all trumped by a simple physiological fact, In large quantities, sugar will make you fat! That may seem overtly obvious, but by understanding why it adds more fat to your body, you can minimize sugar's negative effects and create a leaner, healthier body.
Eating sugar is like flipping a switch that tells your body to store more fat. Sugar is everywhere, found in soda, candy, and desserts. Hidden sugar is disguised in refined carbohydrates like bread, rice, and pasta, and even in beer and milk. Your body can't tell the difference between the two, so it quickly digests and absorbs all of these sugars into your bloodstream by converting it to glucose. For example, one slice of white bread is converted into the same amount of glucose as 4 tablespoons of sugar.
Every time you eat sugar your blood glucose level rises, which stimulates the release of insulin, a powerful hormone that signals your body to store fat. The more sugar you consume, the greater the rise in blood glucose and the more your body stores fat. Eating sugar is like flipping a switch that tells your body to store more fat. Sugar is everywhere, found in soda, candy, and desserts. Hidden sugar is disguised in refined carbohydrates like bread, rice, and pasta, and even in beer and milk. Your body can't tell the difference between the two, so it quickly digests and absorbs all of these sugars into your bloodstream by converting it to glucose. For example, one slice of white bread is converted into the same amount of glucose as 4 tablespoons of sugar.
There is a lot of media coverage about the dangers of saturated fat (and for good reason), but there is not enough coverage on the dangers of sugar. Limit both sugar intake and saturated fat in your diet, and you will see astonishing changes in your body. You will not believe the difference.I PROMISE!!!
Of course, you may not be ready to give up subs, fries, and spaghetti just yet, but you can use strategies that slow down the rate at which sugar is absorbed into your bloodstream(so your body doesn't store as much fat). You'll diminish the impact any food has on your glucose levels and your body's ability to burn fat faster...
Come back tomorrow to view multiple strategies that will decrease the rate sugar and or refined carbs are converted into body fat!
Thursday, November 25, 2010
We tend to forget that happiness doesn't come as a result of getting something we don't have, but rather of recognizing and appreciating what we do have.

Healthy Holiday Eating Tips for Thanksgiving |
If you are a guest of a Thanksgiving dinner: Don't go to the Thanksgiving dinner hungry: we often eat faster and more when we are hungry - therefore eat a wholesome breakfast and lunch on the day to avoid overeating at dinner time. Thanksgiving dinner is not an all-you-can-eat buffet: Fill your plate half with vegetables, one quarter with a lean meat and the rest with a starch of your choice. Eat slowly and stop when you are full. Turkey - go skinless: choose your 4-oz turkey portion skinless to slash away some fat and cholesterol. Save your appetite for the side dishes and desserts. Side Dishes - watch your portion size: go for smaller portions. This way you can sample all the different foods. Moderation is always the key. Make a conscious choice to limit high fat items: high fat food items can be found in fried and creamy dishes as well as cheese-filled casseroles in a traditional Thanksgiving meal . For instance, mashed potatoes are usually made with butter and milk; green bean casseroles are often prepared with cream of mushroom soup, cheese and milk and topped with fried onions; candied yams are loaded with cream, sugar and marshmallows. If you cannot control the ingredients that go in to a dish, simply limit yourself to a smaller helping size. Again moderation is the key. Drink plenty of water: alcohol and coffee can dehydrate your body. Drink calorie-free water to help fill up your stomach and keep you hydrated. |
Tuesday, November 23, 2010
Sunday, November 21, 2010
WEEK 1 = 1x's
WEEK 2 = 2x's
WEEK 3 = 3x's
*Everything is done back to back as fast as possible. Beat your time every time throughout the week. Should be done at least 3x's per week for weeks 1-3*
READY.... SET... GO!!!!!!!!
Hang leg raise 25 reps
60 sec plank
Rest 30 sec
Hang leg raise 25
60 sec plank
Rest 30 sec
Hang leg raise 25 (right side)
Right side plank 45 sec hold
Rest 30 sec
Hang leg raise 25 (left side)
Left side plank 45 sec hold
Rest 2 Minutes..
Weighted Sit-up (10-45 lbs) 20 reps (works best if someone holds your feet)
Hang Flutter Kicks 50 reps(legs parallel with ground, knees locked, toes pointed)
Rest 1 min
Weighted Sit-up (10-45 lbs) 20 reps (works best if someone holds your feet)
Hang Flutter Kicks 50 reps (legs parallel with ground, knees locked, toes pointed)
Rest 1 min
Weighted Sit-up (10-45 lbs) 20 reps (works best if someone holds your feet)
Hang Flutter Kicks 50 reps (legs parallel with ground, knees locked, toes pointed)
Rest 2 Minutes..
Hang knee tucks with trunk twist (tick toks)... 1 min
Rest 20 sec
Hang knee tucks with trunk twist (tick toks)... 1 min
Rest 20 sec
Ninja Jumps 20 reps (a rocket with knee tucks, jump as high as you can, land and absorb the impact with your muscles NOT your joints.)
Rest 20 sec
75 crunches
Repeat 2x's on week 2 and 3x's on week 3. Let me know how fast you complete it. Remember the Rest times are only suggested, if you can do it faster do it faster! Let me know if you have any questions!
Brad Schneider
(520) 904-1652
WEEK 1 = 1x's
WEEK 2 = 2x's
WEEK 3 = 3x's
*Everything is done back to back as fast as possible. Beat your time every time throughout the week. Should be done at least 3x's per week for weeks 1-3*
READY.... SET... GO!!!!!!!!
Hang leg raise 25 reps
60 sec plank
Rest 30 sec
Hang leg raise 25
60 sec plank
Rest 30 sec
Hang leg raise 25 (right side)
Right side plank 45 sec hold
Rest 30 sec
Hang leg raise 25 (left side)
Left side plank 45 sec hold
Rest 2 Minutes..
Weighted Sit-up (10-45 lbs) 20 reps (works best if someone holds your feet)
Hang Flutter Kicks 50 reps(legs parallel with ground, knees locked, toes pointed)
Rest 1 min
Weighted Sit-up (10-45 lbs) 20 reps (works best if someone holds your feet)
Hang Flutter Kicks 50 reps (legs parallel with ground, knees locked, toes pointed)
Rest 1 min
Weighted Sit-up (10-45 lbs) 20 reps (works best if someone holds your feet)
Hang Flutter Kicks 50 reps (legs parallel with ground, knees locked, toes pointed)
Rest 2 Minutes..
Hang knee tucks with trunk twist (tick toks)... 1 min
Rest 20 sec
Hang knee tucks with trunk twist (tick toks)... 1 min
Rest 20 sec
Ninja Jumps 20 reps (a rocket with knee tucks, jump as high as you can, land and absorb the impact with your muscles NOT your joints.)
Rest 20 sec
75 crunches
Repeat 2x's on week 2 and 3x's on week 3. Let me know how fast you complete it. Remember the Rest times are only suggested, if you can do it faster do it faster! Let me know if you have any questions!
Brad Schneider
(520) 904-1652
Saturday, November 13, 2010
Speedflying in Wengen 2010
This Speedflying video is the most ridiculous of all of these guys videos in my opinion. I didn't even know you had that type of control on a parachute. Amazing..
BASE jumping in Lauterbrunnen 2009
Base Jumping in Switzerland.. These dudes have some balls.. Looks like a sport to take up if your planning on committing suicide lol
Thursday, November 11, 2010
The Human Brain
Thought this whole page about The Human Brain was pretty cool. It breaks everything down to a microscopic level and teaches you how your muscles are connected to your brain.
Wednesday, November 10, 2010
Interval Training for Maximum Fat Burning Results
Traditional workout focuses more on building muscle rather than burning calories and shedding fat fast.
This is the type of training (minimal rest time w/ max intensity) that you should do to achieve the best fat burning results!
This is the type of training (minimal rest time w/ max intensity) that you should do to achieve the best fat burning results!
Tuesday, November 9, 2010
L-Carnatine Facts
L-Carnitine is used most effectively for weight loss when you take it first thing in the morning on a empty stomach. Then do some type of cardio exercise for 20-30 minutes which will start your bodies metabolism on a fat burning cycle throughout the day. Let Psychosomatic Fitness know if you have any questions!
L-carnitine transfers long-chain fatty acids, such as triglycerides into mitochondria (a cell's energy powerhouse), where they may be oxidized to produce energy. L-carnitine is a very popular supplement that promotes growth and development. It is also used for fat-burning, increasing energy, and improving resistance to muscle fatigue. L-carnitine has also been shown to help build muscle. is also great in dieting, as it reduces feelings of hunger and weakness.
Studies have been conducted on L-carnitine since as early as 1937. They show that the body's cardiovascular system can greatly benefit from its intake. There are a variety of published studies that show L-carnitine is useful in increasing the heart's output and improving it's functioning, as well as stimulating the heart's energy supply and improving cardiac performance.
Wednesday, November 3, 2010
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