Monday, April 11, 2011


If you want serious abs then not only do you need to git rid of the excess belly fat on your stomach but you’re also going to have to build your abdominal muscles. Below is a list of 13 Abs exercises

If you’re interested in getting a flat stomach then this is just the begining! You might want to subscribe to our email list at the right of the page for the full list of  30 exercises.

Do all 13 exercises in a row for 45 seconds everyday!

Abs Exercises #1: The Plank

The Plank is one of the most effective exercises for working towards a flat stomach and revealing your six-pack abs. Not only does it strengthen the abdominal muscles, but also works the back and the hips.

Abs Exercises #2: The Bicycle Stomach Crunch

The Bicycle Stomach Crunch method is an exercise that has been featured on The Flat Stomach Blog before because it is ranked as the number one abdominal exercise for building six pack abs.
Abs Exercises #3: The Reverse Stomach Crunch

A study at San Diego State University compared 13 different abdominal exercises and found that the Reverse Stomach Crunch method is one of the best for the abdominal muscles and obliques.

Abs Exercises #4: The Vertical Leg Crunch

The Vertical Leg Crunch is similar to the traditional stomach crunch however with the vertical crunch the legs are involved and the exercise has an emphasis on the upper abdominals.
Abs Exercises #5: Crunch On Exercise Ball

The Exercise Ball or Swiss Ball is an excellent tool to strengthen the abs and comes out at number three for working the abdominals.

Abs Exercises #6: Leg Lift/Captain’s Chair/Roman Crunch

There are many different names given to this stomach crunch exercise; the knee lift, roman’s chair, captain’s chair and leg lift to name a few.

Abs Exercises #7: The Torso Track

The Torso Track method is ranked in the San Diego State University abdominal exercise study and is considered one of the toughest flat stomach exercises.
Abs Exercises #8: The Long Arm Crunch

The Long Arm Crunch is ranked 6 in the San Diego State University abdominal exercise study and has an emphasis on the upper abdominals.
Abs Exercises #9: Hanging Straight Leg Raise

The Hanging Straight Leg Raise is part of the gold medal abs workout. The gold medal abs are a series of ab workouts developed by Olympic trainers.

Abs Exercises #10: The Toe Touch Crunch

The Toe Touch is the second exercise in the gold medal abs workout. The gold medal abs are a series of ab workouts developed by Olympic trainers.
Abs Exercises #11: The Sprinter

The Sprinter is the third exercise in the gold medal abs workout. The sprinter is very similar to the bicycle crunch except that the hands are not behind the head.
Abs Exercises #12: Straight Leg Obliques

The Straight Leg Oblique exercise will work the lower abs as well as the obliques.

Abs Exercises #13: Ab Machine Crunch

Using the Ab Machine is much like doing a sit-up or a crunch